As a brave teen cancer patient, Ezra Abraham(known to his friends and family as Eddie), faced his fears and transcended his illness bethinking of ways to help other teens with cancer. By embracing the philosophy of living everyday to its fullest, Eddie truly embodied every meaning of the word "life" and inspired everyone who met him.

In 2004 Eddie, also known as "Chaim" (Hebrew for "life") by family and friends, started selling bright green bracelets to raise money for the charities that helped him throughout his seven-year fight with Rhabdomyosarcoma (a rare form of cancer). The Ezra Abraham To Life Foundation was officially incorporated in the Spring of 2005.

"To Life" is an elegantly symbolic dedication both to ezra and to his philosophy of living life to its fullest each day... no matter who you are.

To Life Foundation is a qualified 501(c)3 organization.


"Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do"        -John Wooden